Web Store

Be the envy of your friends as you sport a sexy new Weaver Bay T-Shirt as seen on billboards, signage, and supermodel bikinis all over the Quad-Cove area. Let your friends know how boring they truly are for not having one of these limited-edition beauties. Make them wonder why you got that sudden, unexpected promotion at work. Make them marvel at how you wake up covered in beautiful supermodels every morning. Make them taste the salty air you emanate as you swagger around confidently in your new Weaver Bay souvenir T-Shirt.

Order Men's Style ...
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Please Note: Due to the unexpected, and frankly, overwhelming popularity of this year's tourism campaign, we only have a limited number of items left in stock at this time. We expect to have a second run of much of our merchandise made sometime in the next six to eight weeks, utilizing a modified version of the imagery do distinguish these from first-run items.

Citizens of the week

  • Jay Lansing

    Local radio presenter, town crier, and self-proclaimed "Voice of Weaver Bay."

  • 'Handsy' McShane

    Visit Handsy's parlor for the best sheep urine and lager rubdown of your life.

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